Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the users (“your” / “you”) who access and use the website www.tailorwheyed.co.uk ('The Website') and your relationship with Tailor Wheyed Ltd, incorporated and registered by the Companies House under company number 14550836. Please read and understand the terms and conditions before accessing and using the website as this may affect your liabilities and rights under the law. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions stated, please do not use, or access the website. For any queries regarding the terms and conditions, please contact us on info@tailorwheyed.co.uk


When accessing and using the website you are agreeing to the terms and conditions presented. Provision of information to third parties will occur including your credit or debit card in order to authenticate your identity and validate your payment, obtain credit card authorisation and to permit purchases for individual transactions.


We reserve the right to make amendments to the terms and conditions at any given time – you will be notified of any changes made by a website or email announcement. It is your personal responsibility to check for any changes made. The changes made will be applicable after the announcement has been made. Should you no longer agree with the changes made, please do not continue to access, or use the website. If you continue to use the website after the amendments are made, this indicates that you agree to the changes.


By using www.tailorwheyed.co.uk, you are agreeing that:

  • You are legally capable of entering into binding agreements, contracts, and subscriptions.
  • The personal information you provide to us at the time of registration is true and accurate and you are not impersonating another person or entity.
  • You are over the age of 16.
  • You will notify us immediately of any personal information changes by providing these details via email to info@tailorwheyed.co.uk.