About us


Tailor Wheyed Ltd was set-up with the aim of filling a gap in the (fitness) supplement market. Having been active consumers within the industry for years, we noticed that Protein, Creatine, Pre-Workout and all other options of supplementation came in pre-determined quantities: I.e., 30 servings. This led to increased and unnecessary expenditure as it wasn't always guaranteed that our Protein would run-out before our Creatine, or Pre-Workout, or Vitamins. Having to place multiple orders a month to top-up different supplements was not only a waste of time, but also money - paying for carriage on each individual order.

The Problem

We realised that the big corporate giants controlled our regime - there was a complete lack of freedom and personalisation whereby manufacturers determined our desires for us.

We set out on a mission to let you take back control of your supplements.

The Solution

Tailor Wheyed® Bundles are our answer. Our bundles allow the customer (you) to choose exactly what you want, in what quantity and for it all to be delivered exactly when you need it.

You have the complete freedom to determine your own consumption: Choose a product, choose a flavour and decide exactly how much you want and we'll deal with the rest.

We've even added a subscription feature so that you never have to waste time re-ordering again, your exact monthly requirements will turn up exactly when you need it - and if your regime changes, no problem. Just log into your customer portal before your next batch is due and freely adjust your order as many times as you'd like.

If that's not control, we don't know what is.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help fitness enthusiast of all backgrounds regain control of their supplementation regime and meet your desires with complete customisation and personalisation. With that, we can promise that the correct and consecutive use of our products will optimise your health, recovery, and gains, all at a rate that suits you. 

Take back control.