Man dead lifting heavy barbell with an overlayed title reading 'What Supplements are BEST for Bulking?'

What Supplements are BEST for Bulking?

Are you looking to bulk up, put on some muscle, and increase your strength? Chances are, you've heard about supplements. Supplements can be an excellent way to help you reach your bulking goals. As such, when considering the best supplements for bulking, it is important to choose the right ones. The wrong supplement can be a waste of money and may even cause health issues.

1. Creatine

Creatine is one of the most popular and effective supplements for bulking. It is an amino acid that helps your body produce energy more efficiently. It also increases muscle size and strength while reducing fatigue during training. Taking creatine in the form of powder, capsules, or tablets can give you the extra boost you need to really lift heavy and get results. Creatine is found naturally in the body but supplementing with it can increase the amount available for muscle growth. We recently published a comprehensive article on creatine, its benefits and the health implications. If of interest, 'Creatine use - What does it do and how safe is it?' can be accessed here. 

2. Protein Powder

Protein powders are another great supplement for bulking. They help provide you with the building blocks of muscle, allowing you to reach your goals faster. There are many diverse types of protein powders available, from whey and casein to plant-based proteins like pea and hemp. It is best to choose a protein powder that is tailored to your specific needs. Whey protein is a wonderful choice for bulking up. It is packed with high quality protein that helps to build muscle and increase strength. It is a fast-acting protein, so it can be taken before or after a workout for optimal results. It also helps to reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery time after a workout.

3. Branched Chain Amino Acids

BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are also essential for those looking to bulk up. BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids that are involved in muscle growth and repair that are not produced by the body, so they must be taken in the form of a supplement. They help to increase muscle protein synthesis, reduce muscle fatigue, and prevent muscle loss. Learn more about BCAA's here or watch the fast, 60-second breakdown by PictureFit below.


4. Glutamine and Fish Oil 

Two other great supplements for bulking are glutamine and fish oil. Glutamine helps to increase muscle mass, reduce recovery time, and improve workout performance. It can also help boost your immune system and reduce stress. Fish oil is an essential supplement for bulking. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for muscle growth and repair. It can also help to reduce inflammation, improve joint health, and boost the immune system. The name should give it away, but acquiring fish oil and omega-3 through the normal diet requires the consumption of fish. Subsequently, omega-3 supplementation is particularly important for those who infrequently eat fish.

5. Vitamins

Finally, vitamins are great and an important choice for those looking to bulk up. A multivitamin in particular might be a good option as it helps to ensure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health. It can also help to support muscle growth and repair.

Concluding Remarks

When it comes to choosing the best supplements for bulking, there are many options available. The key is to find the ones that best suit your individual needs. Talk to your doctor, a registered dietitian or an accredited Tailor Wheyed ® athlete to get personalised advice and make sure you are taking the right products for your body. With the right supplements AND the right diet, you will reach your bulking goals in no time.
If you're interested in learning more about bulking supplements and receiving the best deals directly to your inbox, make sure to sign up to our Newsletter. Alternatively, if you have any additional questions related to bulking supplements, please don't hesitate getting in touch here.

By: Tegan Wright | Copy Writer
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